Living abroad as an Au pair but don’t have any friends? Check out this post for 10 ways to make friends as an Au pair!
As someone who’s still struggling to make friends as an Au pair, I can’t imagine doing a whole year alone as an Au pair with no community. I mean to be in a foreign country for a whole year and not make any friends is a waste of a cultural exchange. Therefore, I truly believe every Au pair out there deserves to find the community they’re looking for. But I guess the question you all may wondering is…
how does one even make friends as an Au pair abroad?
Well, if you’re looking for the answer, you’ve come to the right place! This post alone highlights 10 ways you can make friends as an Au pair abroad to find the community of your dreams.
Au Pair in Germany Series
P.S. This is a post in my Au Pair in Germany series. Here is the complete series:
Au Pair Origin and History: What is an Au Pair: The Origin and History
Au Pair Tasks: What Does an Au Pair Do: Au Pair Tasks
Au Pair Agencies: The 7 Best Au Pair Agencies for Americans
German Language Learning Apps: The 10 Best Apps for German Learning as an Au Pair
Au Pair Guide: How to Become an Au Pair in Germany
Au Pair Visa: Au Pair Visa Germany: Requirements for Americans
Au Pair vs. Nanny: Au Pair vs. Nanny: What is the Difference?
Au Pair Salary: German Au Pair Salary: What to Expect
Au Pair Rematch: The Top 10 Reasons Why Au Pairs Rematch
Au Pair Driving: The Au Pair Guide to Driving in Germany
German A1 Exam: How To Pass Your German A1 Test To Become An Au Pair
Host Family Interview: Here Are 100 Host Family Interview Questions You Need To Ask
Host Family Red Flags: 10 Host Family Red Flags You Should Watch Out For
Packing List: Au Pair Packing List: Germany Edition
BFD: BFD in Germany: What Americans Need To Know
FSJ: How to Do an FSJ in Germany
Ausbildung: Ausbildung in Germany: Here’s Everything You Need to Know
Instagram is a great way to make friends as an Au pair abroad! In fact, Au Pair World actually has an Instagram post that you can use to find local friends near you.
In fact, when I found this post, I basically just scrolled through the comments to find anybody who specifically mentioned my city. However, depending on the person you DM, you may or may not get a response. But honestly, if it’s meant to be, you’ll form a connection with this person over DMs with the plan to meet in person.
And then from there the rest is just history.
Host Parents
Another way you can make friends as an Au pair is through your host parents. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, your host parents may be friends with other people who have Au pairs. If that is the case, ask them if they can set you up with their friend’s Au pair. My host mother did this for me when I first arrived and I’m still talking to her friend’s old Au pair as we speak. We were very close while she was still living with her old host family and it was nice to know there was someone in the neighborhood I could vent to if I ever had any issues about my experience.
So, if this is something you’d consider, I highly recommend it. And who knows, maybe as you’re hanging out your host kids can have a play-date with each other too.
Language Course
Another way you can make friends as an Au pair is by signing up for a language course in your host country. From what I’ve heard, a lot of Au pairs were able to make friends this way since they saw the same people in class everyday.
However, the only thing I would highly recommend is signing up for an in-person class. Although, online courses can be a great way to meet other people, they’re not as intimate as an in-person class. I would know because I had to study A1 German online before I became an Au pair in Germany and my classes were very emotionally distant. I mean although it was great to see the same people from time to time. For the most part, a lot of my peers didn’t have their cameras on when class was in session so it kinda felt like a solo lesson.
Therefore, if you’re looking to make friends as an Au pair abroad ask your host parents to sign you up for an in-person class as soon as possible.
Mutual Friends
Another way you can make friends as an Au pair abroad is through mutual friends. I actually was able to make some friends this way since I was friends with an Au pair who had been in Germany for 6 months already. She introduced me to some of her friends which was nice since one of them also lived in the same neighborhood as us.
In fact, as of today, even though the Au pair I initially met left eventually, I am still friends with the Au pairs I met through her since a few of them started around the same time as me.
Sports Club
Another way you can make friends as an Au pair is by joining a sports club. You’ll obviously have to do a quick google search of what’s available around your host city/town but don’t hesitate to join a sport that’s completely foreign to you. I actually knew that Frankfurt had a sports team for Quiddith when I became an Au pair but I was too hesitant to join because I wasn’t very familiar with the sport. I mean obviously as a Harry Potter fan I knew what the sport was but to actually play it in real life was a whole another story.
All in all to say don’t do what I did and hesitate on an opportunity to meet new people. Obviously sports clubs are aware that there might be beginners to the group so feel free to let them know.
Bumble BFF
Another way you can make friends as an Au pair is through Bumble BFF! Now I know there are some pros and cons to the app but from what I’ve heard from other Au pairs, they were able to make friends on it.
However, there’s no guarantee that this app will work for everyone. I for one was able to connect with an Au pair veteran on the app and she gave me some great advice for my first year. In fact, she even offered to help me if I needed help taking care of my host kids while their host mom was away.
All in all, it was great to have someone on Bumble BFF I could lean on for support.
WhatsApp Groups
Another way you can make friends as an Au pair is through WhatsApp Groups! Usually, you have to find out about them through other Au pairs but once you’re in one you’ll immediately get access to 200 + Au pairs who are in the exact same position as you. I for one really appreciated joining a WhatsApp group a few days into my time in Germany since I was able to get the scoop on all of the events that were happening in Frankfurt.
For example, in the Frankfurt WhatsApp group somebody posted that The Driver Era, an American band, was coming to Frankfurt to do a show. I of course was already somewhat a fan of the band so I decided to message the Au pair in the group to see if I could join her.
She of course said yes and next thing you know I had an Au pair friend in Munich. All in all to say that if you’re hesitant to respond to someone in a WhatsApp group, don’t be. One response could be a beautiful start to a beautiful friendship.
Facebook Groups
Another way you can make friends as an Au pair is through Facebook groups! I actually joined a Facebook group called Girl Gone International to meet other female expats in Frankfurt. Some of these expats may be Au pairs but even if they’re not it’s nice to meet other young women who are planning to live in Frankfurt indefinitely. Doing so can help you build your community even faster since they’re already experts in your host city.
So, if you’re trying to join a Facebook group to make friends as an Au pair, I highly recommend joining a Girl Gone International Facebook group in your host city. They tend to host a lot of events weekly so you definitely don’t want to miss out.
Another way you can make friends as an Au pair is through Meetup! I unfortunately did not have much luck on Meetup but that doesn’t mean you can’t. Meetup for those of you who don’t know is a social media platform for organizing in-person and virtual events. If you, for instance, wanted to go to an event you would need to find a Meetup group that aligns with your hobbies and/or special interests. Once you find a group that you like, feel free to message the group organizer to let him or her know that you’re interested in the group. She or he will either accept your membership request to let you in or decline it. All in all it’s a great way to meet new people in your local community who like to do the things you do.
Lastly, another way you can make friends as an Au pair is through church. I fortunately was actually able to find a good church in my host city of Frankfurt and it wasn’t that bad. Although I’m not as religious as I used to be, it’s still nice to know that there are some good people in the church I can rely on for support.
So, if you’re thinking about joining a church to make friends as an Au pair I highly recommend it. One of my Au pair friends met all of her friends in church and some of them also just so happened to be Au pairs too.
Overall, I really hope you enjoyed reading this post on everything you need to know about how to make friends as an Au pair. Please let me know in the comments down below which tip you’d like to try the most. I would love to hear from you! 🙂
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