When it comes to traveling down to the South of the U.S., public transportation options tend to be more limited and less frequent. As a result, solo travelers who are from urban spaces, like me, struggle with knowing how to get from place to place once they arrive at an airport. This blog post will […]
Why I Would Never Recommend Workaway: My Nightmare From Hell
My Workaway Horror Story I never thought I would be writing this blog post about my experience with Workaway but I feel like it’s about time for me to share my horror story with the world. Workaway, for those of you who are not familiar, is a global online platform that allows volunteers to connect […]
Here Are Six Countries I Plan To Visit After COVID-19
Iceland Iceland has been on my vision board for quite some time now. I would love to visit Reykjavik, its capital, soon. According to this article, Iceland is apparently the best place to see the Northern Lights. I’d rather visit the capital however, since I’m totally a city girl. My plan is visit sometime around […]
Here Are 10 Reasons Why I Started Travel and Blossom
I’m a travel junkie One of the reasons why I decided to create Travel and Blossom is because I’m a travel junkie. I live, breath, and adore airports. They’re like a second home for me. I was 20 years old when I started traveling on my own. I did a study abroad program at my […]